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Virtual Alias Records


A traditional CNAME record (see also Stand-alone CNAME Records) defines a static, explicit alias in the DNS, with the oft-lamented technical limitation that a CNAME record cannot be placed at the apex of a zone (e.g.

Virtual Alias records are a non-standard but increasingly common DNS feature specifically designed to work around that limitation while still accomplishing a similar goal.

When we configure a virtual A Alias record in IPAM, our authoritative nameservers periodically query other nameservers to find the current A record(s) of the desired target name (e.g., and synthesize corresponding A record(s) for the alias name (e.g.  The result is a dynamic, transparent alias:

  1. IPAM authoritative nameserver receives a query matching the virtual alias: IN A?
  2. IPAM authoritative nameserver sends a query for the target name: IN A?

  3. IPAM authoritative nameserver receives this response for the target name: 60 IN A 60 IN A
  4. IPAM authoritative nameserver returns this synthesized response for the virtual alias name: 60 IN A 60 IN A

The intermediate response is cached according to its TTL (time-to-live) value, so any further identical queries received by the same IPAM authoritative nameserver within the next 60s will skip steps 2 and 3, and return the same synthesized records with a lower remaining TTL.  Each individual IPAM authoritative nameserver maintains its own independent cache.

When the external nameserver’s response for the target name changes, IPAM’s response for the virtual alias name will also change (once the old response expires from cache).

If no A records are found for the target name, then IPAM will return zero A records for the virtual alias name.

This virtual A Alias record is only used to answer A record queries, but we could additionally and independently configure a virtual AAAA Alias record to answer AAAA record queries.

Key differences vs CNAME records

  • A CNAME record affects query behavior for all record types, but each virtual Alias record applies to only one record type (e.g. only A records, or only AAAA records).  This enables virtual Alias records to coexist with records of other types, which is why they can be placed at a zone apex while a CNAME record cannot.
  • Virtual Alias records are transparent (invisible) to clients, ultimately yielding the same query response as an equivalent set of static records:  IN A  IN A

    whereas CNAME records are explicitly returned and must be interpreted by the client:        IN CNAME  IN A  IN A

    In this case only the CNAME record comes from our IPAM authoritative nameserver; the client’s recursive resolver combines that with A records from some other authoritative nameserver to form the sample response shown.

Best practice: use a CNAME record if you can.  Use virtual Alias records when you need aliasing behavior but it’s not technically possible to use a CNAME record.  See also Limitations below.


Virtual Alias records cannot coexist in IPAM with other records of the same type (i.e. you cannot define both a virtual A Alias and a stand-alone A record for the same name).  There is no “fallback” functionality.

Virtual Alias records can be difficult to troubleshoot, since the external behavior of their target names might change unpredictably. 

CloudFront in particular tends to return a wide variety of different answers for the same target name at any given moment (not just over time), so it is entirely reasonable and expected for each individual IPAM authoritative nameserver to return a different answer for the virtual alias name (each corresponding to the response that particular nameserver most recently got from CloudFront), and for none of those answers to match a separate test query for the CloudFront target name.

Virtual Alias records cannot be used in DNSSEC signed zones.

We don’t use DNSSEC signed zones as this time, but plan to do so in the future.

At this time, we are offering virtual Alias records only for the zone apex of a second-level domain (e.g., not for .edu subdomains.

(Note however that third-level .edu subdomains can be registered as a third-level CNAME record in the zone instead.)

Configuring virtual Alias records

Unfortunately we are not able to offer self-service configuration of virtual Alias records within IPAM at this time.  Changes should be made by request to hostmgr; be sure to include

  • fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for the virtual alias
  • which record type(s) should be aliased
  • the target FQDN

Virtual Alias records vs DNS Traffic Control

Virtual Alias records and DNS Traffic Control both involve synthesized responses, but they are aimed at different use cases.

Consider using DNS Traffic Control if your service has a stable set of eligible target IP addresses, but some of them might be unhealthy from time to time.

Consider using a Virtual Alias record if your service has a stable target DNS name, but the set of IP addresses that name might resolve to is unpredictable (and it’s not possible to use a CNAME record).

Networking Public Home

This is the home page for the Networking Public wiki space, which is viewable by the general public.

sysLocation Format


r:2110A b:0210 c:c p:F71871 f:2 ra:2 z:5 ru:4 N:DCL #comment





Description of Value



3 ⭐️

room “number” (actually string) where the device’s CER resides



1 ✅ 🔴

number of building where the device’s CER resides



2 ✅ 🔴

string designator code (unique within building) of CER where the device is installed



4 ✅

Property Accounting Sticker code for device



number of building floor on which the device’s CER resides



5 ✅

number of rack (unique within CER) in which device is installed



6 ✅

height (in rack units) at which the device is installed within the rack, with z:1 indicating the bottom position.



number of rack units the device occupies




“nice name” by which CITES Networking refers to the building (not the official F&S building name)

✅: sysLocation is the authoritative source for this data
🔴: required for E-911
⭐️: not authoritative, but critically important to humans


Room is not authoritative, as it can logically be derived from building and cer (plus a table of information about known CERs). However, it is critically important to humans that the room value in sysLocation be present and correct, so that network support personnel responding to a page can easily track down a device using only the information from its saved config.

Note that cer is not derivable; there are some cases where a single room can contain more than one CER.

Floor is not authoritative, nor particularly important to humans reading sysLocation, and should probably be phased out over time.

Ru is actually a property of a device’s model (rather than of an individual device), could be derived from sysObjectID plus a table of known information about device models, and should probably be phased out over time.

Nice is a friendly nickname for a building which is made up internally by CITES Networking; it should never be treated as “authoritative” nor exposed externally, but its presence in sysLocation is useful to humans, and it is desirable that its value (for a given building) be consistent across devices.


We have discovered empirically that some devices limit the number of characters in the sysLocation field (e.g. to 48), and may silently fail to store a longer value.

When updating sysLocation for a device:

  1. Always double-check after setting sysLocation to verify that the desired value was in fact successfully stored!
  2. If the desired sysLocation string is too long for the device to accept, choose which fields to include based on the priority ordering given in the table.


Unique prefixes of keys are permitted, with “r:” and “rm:” also signifying Room.

Keys and values are separated by ‘:‘, optionally surrounded by white space.

Empty values are permitted.

Key/Value pairs are separated by white space.

sysLocation may end with a comment, after white space followed by ‘#‘.

sysLocation may be all comment (no Key/Value pairs at all) if it begins with ‘#‘ or white space followed by ‘#‘.

The Nice value is case sensitive, may contain white space, may not contain ‘#‘ or ‘:‘, and must be last (if it is included).

All other Keys and Values are case insensitive, may not contain white space, may not contain ‘#‘, and may appear in any order.

Any excess white space may be removed from Nice values and from comments when parsing sysLocation.

World IPv6 Day – Urbana campus information

World IPv6 Day

What is World IPv6 Day?

World IPv6 Day is a 24-hour chance for service providers to test out IPv6 and see how it works in their environment. Major providers like Google, Facebook, Yahoo!, Akamai are using June 8, 2011 (GMT) as their test. For people on our campus, the official “day” will be 7pm on June 7th through 7pm on June 8th. The goal of this exercise is to see what is easy, what is hard, and what breaks when you turn on IPv6.

The website has more information on the World IPv6 Day.

What is IPv6 and Why do I care?

  • The short version is IPv6 is the next generation of IP addressing, since the world is running low on the current IPv4 addresses. Low enough that some users are only getting IPv6 addresses. You care because those users can only access your services through conversion systems, and those are out of your control. You don’t know what their user experience is and whether or not they think your service is poor because of that conversion. So you want your services native on IPv4 and IPv6 so that all users get the experience you planned for them.
  • CITES Networking and Security groups did a pair of presentations at the Fall 2010 IT Pro Forum about this. You can see the video here:

What IPv6 services are available on the Urbana campus?

Urbana Campus Permanent IPv6 Services

  • Network Time (NTP)
  • Akamai (the caching servers are hosted on the ICCN network and serve all three campuses)
  • Network Backbone
  • ICCN (The regional network that connects Urbana with the other U of I campuses, the Internet, and R&E network providers like Internet2)

Urbana Campus Services being tested on World IPv6 Day

How to participate in World IPv6 Day

From the Urbana campus, you need to get on the IllinoisNet wireless SSID, and try things out. Android phones, some iPods and iPhones (running iOS 4), iPads, Windows laptops (native on Vista and 7, a patch is needed for XP to support IPv6) and Apple laptops (10.4.8 and later) should all be able to get IPv6 addresses and use them. If you haven’t connected to IllinoisNet before, you can get information on doing that at this webpage:

Once you are on IllinoisNet, go to a website like and make sure you got an IPv6 address (if you didn’t, see the troubleshooting section below). Then try out websites like Google and Facebook see if you can tell a difference. Try the campus IPv6 websites listed above and make sure you can connect. You might want to try and see the “Dancing Turtle” which is a page that is only animated if you connect with IPv6 to this website: . If everything is going smoothly, you shouldn’t be able to tell you are on IPv6. Just do your normal email, web and other network things. For the servers and services testing IPv6 you’ll be providing them with data in their log files, in number of IPv6 users they served and if there are problems, by letting them know about them.

A handy tool for Firefox users is which shows the IP address of the server you’re connecting to at the bottom of your window. you can quickly tell if you’re on an IPv6 server or not.

How to provide feedback on your IPv6 experience

  • ITPros can call 244-1000 to report problems or outages of any kind, whether or not they are related to IPv6
  • For less urgent feedback, ITPros can join the IPV6-USERS listserv and post feedback there
  • If you are not an ITPro then please send email to with your feedback.

Troubleshooting IPv6

I didn’t get an IPv6 address, how do I get one?

  • First make sure you are connected to IllinoisNet wireless as your only network connection
  • Then make sure you haven’t turned IPv6 off on your system
  • Windows XP users might need to install a patch.
  • If you are on IllinoisNet and have IPv6 enabled but still aren’t getting an address you can stop by our World IPv6 Day table just outside the CITES Help Desk in DCL from 10am to 4pm on June 8th and someone will help you figure out why it isn’t working.

I got an IPv6 address but I can’t get to any of the IPv6-only pages

  • If you have time, come to our table just outside the CITES Help Desk in DCL from 10am to 4pm on June 8th and someone will help you figure out why it isn’t working.

I got an IPv6 address but now nothing works

  • Follow the instructions for turning IPv6 off below.
  • If you have time, come to our table just outside the CITES Help Desk in DCL from 10am to 4pm on June 8th and someone will help you figure out why it isn’t working.

I got an IPv6 address and something are working but others aren’t

  • Follow the instructions for turning IPv6 off below.
  • If you have time, come to our table just outside the CITES Help Desk in DCL from 10am to 4pm on June 8th and someone will help you figure out why it isn’t working.

How to turn IPv6 off

CITES multicast information

Multicast usage on campus is growing, and CITES is working hard to make the underlying networking system for multicast more stable. In order to do this we will need some help from the departmental IT Professionals.

If you’re not familiar with multicast and how it works, please take a minute or two to read this UIUCnet multicast basics document on the CITES website:

Here’s what CITES has already done and what we have in progress:

We have updated our campus edge multicast filters to the current best practices list based on information gathered from Abiline and other I2 institutions. These filters keep us from sending out to the rest of the world things like our Ghost and Retrospect Remote traffic, and also keeps us from getting that traffic in from other places. We are blocking well known “problem” multicast addresses like Norton Ghost, as well as all reserved addresses that are not allocated for use at this time. For a complete list of what we are blocking at the campus edge, please see the end of this email. If there is an address we are blocking that you have a need for, please contact and we will work with you to enable the groups you need.

We worked extensively with our core router vendor to make changes to their multicast routing behavior so that it would work in a supportable way in our environment. At this time we believe that the core routers support of multicast is up to the every-day use of multicast.

We have setup an “anycast” style Rendezvous Point (RP) on the campus side of the firewalls for responsiveness to things on campus (and for functionality incase of an exit issue) and one on the far side of the firewalls to use for multicast peering to other institutions. This will remove the RP as a single point of failure for on-campus use, since either can take over if one is not working. the campus side RP is offline due to software issues. We are working on returning that to service.

CITES is also working with our various hardware vendors where we have found multicast problems to be sure that the vendor knows about the issues we are seeing and are working on a fix.

CITES Network Designers are making sure that IGMP snooping is turned on for all newly deployed devices to be sure that multicast isn’t flooded throughout the building networks by default. They are also working with net admins to turn on IGMP snooping in existing equipment where it is not already on. If you would like to request multicast to be enabled for your network please have the networking contact for the subnet mail with your request.

CITES has moved to a default of turning multicast routing on for a newly created subnet so that multicast features can be used by the IT Professionals and the Unit’s users. Any Unit can choose to leave multicast off, and any Unit with an existing subnet that does not have multicast on can request it be turned on.

To request a multicast address send email to and describe what you’re doing, how long you need the address for and whether it should be a global address to a limited-to-campus address.

As mentioned above here’s a list of multicast groups that are blocked at the campus exits. For those of you not familiar with the details of the exits, NCSA is on the far side of these connections, and so these groups are also blocked to NCSA.

inbound to campus information on the following groups:

outbound from campus traffic blocked on the following groups: any any any any any